
Wednesday, November 20, 2024

November 20, 2024

              Howdy to everyone, and we hope you are having, or have had, a good morning. We are starting off a little cool this morning with a reported temp of 47 degrees. That might be cool enough for a jacket.

              My favorite wife worked her tail off in the house yesterday as I worked my tail off in the garage. I was able to clean some items and I did toss some items, and there are a lot more to clean and toss. One of my projects was to reset the timer on the angel which is in the front yard. Now I don’t have a photo of the angel, it is at least 6 feet tall and is lit up totally with rope lights, in other words it is big and bright at night.

            To get to the timer I had to move the tool chest and before I could move it, I had to move a table that the drill press is mounted on. It was a bunch of moving and then cleaning up under and around the things I had moved. I then reset the timer and replaced everything. Now the timer lays connected to a wire in the floor next to a wheel on the tool chest.

            To make a short story longer, the angel did not come on last night, so I assume that when I pushed the tool chest back in place the wheel may have unplugged the timer. Yes, I will need to move everything again today and reconnect the timer.

Now why did I tell you all the above, last night as we had been sitting outside with some neighbors, a vehicle that looked like another neighbor went down the street faster than normal, then it turned around at the cul-de-sac and went back up the street. Then a minute later the vehicle came back down the street much slower. I was putting things away when the neighbor lady came over and said “your angel isn’t lit up”. She went on the say, “I look for the angel when I am coming down the street, then I know I am almost home, but tonight I drove by my house since I had not seen the angel”. I explained that I would have it back on tonight. In the past there have been others comment that the angel let them know they were nearing home.  

Ok, I am back, I did get the grandkids and take them to school.

My favorite wife wants to get the Christmas decorations put up in the house and outside. That means I will need to be bringing many items from the shed to the garage today along with the other projects I have in mind. Since it may be close to freezing tonight, I will likely be allowed to bring the plumeria plants into the garage. Christmas decorations and plants in the garage, wow, no rest for an ole senior person. I had better get my bible reading and bible homework done this morning, as I will be working the rest of the day.

Lite the angel.

Senior ole person with too much to do and not enough time to do it, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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