Good chilly morning, we hope you had a good night’s sleep and are ready to face the day. Here at the Ford’s homestead, we have a temp of 41 degrees. We did get some sprinkles of rain yesterday, which caused us to change locations for our outside sitting. Yes, we went to the front porch and enjoyed watching the very lite sprinkles of rain. We did not have any visitors during this setting, our dog Tres was on the porch with us as a security measure. In truth, we did not want to hear him barking and wining, so we let him be with us.
We sat there on the front porch until the cold and windy, “cold front”, started blowing through. During our time there, I was allowed to remove some of the old yard lights and replace them with the new lights. It could have been back breaking work, but I being an ole retired person, I know how to accomplish the task without injury. One of the new lights does not work, so we plan to take it back today and see if they happen to have another in stock.
Did I do anything yesterday? Let me think, oh I did water the plants in the hot house, and I shut the door to the hot house in prep for today’s cool weather. I also provided water for the birds and a few flowers that seem to be growing.
I went to the front yard and using a long pair of pliers, I did pull up about 40 baby oak trees from the yard. I would prefer to have pulled them all up which would stop their growth, but that is too much bending over for an ole person. I got the walk behind lawn mower and mowed the trees down. They will come back, and I will have to mow them again.
The front yard does look good. I also cleaned the street along our curb and the neighbor's driveway. There is a bunch of limbs in her front yard, and more hanging in the tree, we hope they do not fall on anyone.
I don’t have any big plans for today, we will likely go into Waco for a lunch sandwich and stop by the cheap store to return the non-working light and see if there is anything we need.
Ole people be odd: the last time we were at the cheap store I purchased a couple pens in hopes of writing more clearly in my bible study homework. The pins do write good, and I decided to put one of the pens in the container marked, “pencils pens and markers”. When I opened the container, I found that I had two good pens in the container, and I did not need to have purchased the other two. I guess one should think before he buys.
Different topic: there is a white bug with wings that we have been seeing the last couple days here at the homestead. We do not know what it is, it is about one inch long and the photo was taken on the driveway.
I have a new pen and flag holder which is made from an ole block of scrap wood, I would accept bids in excess of $250.00, photo to follow. I wonder what it would be like to have some good wood to work with.
This would look good on anyone’s desk.
Well, I guess that is it for now, we hope you have a good day filled with love and kindness. As you work to stay safe, help others to stay safe.
Wood butcher or creator?
Senior ole person who wants a cup of real coffee, but it cost too much, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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