
Thursday, February 1, 2024

February 1, 2024

              We made it to the first day again, and for that one person, it is February 1st. Now as everyone knows I am very observant, but I can’t spell worth a flip. Let us look at the word, “February”. Do you see the “r”, following the “b”, in the word February. I, and most of the people I know, pronounce the word as “Febuary” without the extra “r”. I do not know who decided to spell February with the extra “r” but whoever it was, he / she was wrong!


            This morning the grandkids came to the Fords homestead a little before 7:00 as their mother needed to be at work early due to the first of the month reports. After the normal greetings and some petting of the Tres, me and the kids headed out to the star coffee place where everyone got a drink. Then on the way home we stopped at the burrito place and got burritos. While we were stopped at a stop light and the light was red, the car that was in front of us just took off and ren through the traffic light. Other than that incident, we made it home without too many problems.  

            Any way: what does the Don have to share with the public today? First off, he is tired, and his body is saying take it easy today. We assume his body is tired because he worked too long in the yard yesterday. The Don was able to get most of the leaves out of the first Jasmin bed and out into the yard, where he then spread them out attempting to have piles no higher than 8 to 10 inches of leave, and they covered about half of that side of the yard.

Then he brought the Ford’s ole walk behind mower to the front yard and started the process of vacuuming the leaves. Now the mower vacuumed leaves best with small amounts at a time, so I would go around the edge of the leaves trying not to get too many at one time, and the bag filled up usually after one go around. Then I had to empty the mowers bag in the trash bag and start the next round.

            One Jasmin bed finished, I started the other bed, and I could not believe how many leaves there were in the second bed. The second bed is smaller than the first, but it had more leaves. Well, I again did all the things I had done on the first bed.

I was getting close to being done when a neighbor lady walked over. We talked for a few seconds and my favorite wife came out and joined the conversation. Now the two ladies talked and talked, finally I said, “if you both would leave, I could finish my work”. They then walked a few feet away and I started the mower and finished that spot. I had one more area to vacuum when Dave called and needed a ride home from work.

I stopped my work, whet and got Dave, took him home, returned and finished my work, put mower, leaf blower, two rakes and the last bag of leaves away, and headed over to school to get Alex and Gabi.

Returning home from dropping the kids off at their homes, my present spouse and I washed the dog. Now I should say I washed the dog and she tried to dry him off. I then took a shower for myself, cleaned the dog hair out of the shower, and then we sat outside resting from the tedious days' work. 

I wanted to have before and after photos of the leaf work, but I failed to take such photos. I guess I have talked enough today, we hope your day is fun, safe and prosperous.

Leaf eradicator.

Senior ole person who has a couple things to do, and hopes he can, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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