
Wednesday, December 27, 2023

December 27, 2023

            Today is Wednesday and my wife has an appointment at the rehab center early this morning. When she gets done with that, she will then head out to get the needed groceries for this week. I often offer to go with her, but she usually says nope, stay at home. I guess I ask too many questions when she is shopping. We both want to get the latest Covid 19 virus shot, and she wants to get the RSV shot. Our pharmacy doesn’t give the Covid shot, so we may go to Wally world as they usually have the shots.

            Now let’s go back to yesterday: my wife and I were sitting outside while the sun was shining even though the temp was only 57 degrees. As we sat there on the Ford’s ole swing, I looked up, and what did I see? Before that one person says what did the Don see, yes, he did see the sky, and he saw something else. The red oak tree has the leave’s off it but the acorns are still there. Now I have a photo, but I don’t know if you can see all the acorns that are still on the tree.

            I was not only surprised as too how many acorns are still on this tree, but I was also shocked to know they will continue to fall. I did get up and go look at the other trees to see if they were still loaded with acorns, they are not. This tree has all these acorns on the south side, the other side which is up against the other tree doesn’t have any acorns, and the other two trees do not have any remaining acorns. Why does this tree have acorns on the side that is away from the other trees, is it due to the amount of sun light it gets?

            I hope to get my yard man Alex over here on Thursday to help remove leaves from the front yard. I blew a few of the leaves away from a small area with the leaf blower yesterday, and then I raked that small area just to see how many acorns I might get, there are a bunch, and that is part of the reason I looked up and saw the acorns in the tree.

            New topic: I noted in a previous posting that a friend left a handmade device that can be used to move heavy items like flowerpots. As I was sitting there reviewing the device, I noticed that it is missing a bolt. It is not a big deal; I will insert a bolt and it will be ready to use.

            Another subject: I have a photo of some clouds that was taken a couple days ago. In this photo of the cloud a person with some imagination may be able to see a hand, or at least fingers of a hand.

            I did say one might need some imagination.

            Well, that is it for now, we hope you have a good day and please be safe.

To many acorns!

Senior ole person who needs his yard man Alex the Ford, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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