Tres took me for a walk this morning and we both noticed that there was no breeze. When I say no breeze, we did not see any tree leaves or other plants moving, it was as if the wind had died! Now the temp was about 70 but the humidity felt like 100%.
Speaking of walking, I have failed to inform you about yesterday’s walk. When the Tres and I arrived at the end of the 300 block, my walking partner, that is the Tres, began looking across the street. Maybe I should say he was staring across the street, so naturally, I looked to see what he was seeing. I saw nothing at first, but then it happened, an opossum came out of one yard and ran across the street into another yard and disappeared behind that house. We have lots of possums in the area.
The sprinkler system ran this morning, so it made the watering of the flowers in pots a lot easier, as some of them get watered by the sprinklers. I think the rain may have helped as I have a pretty bloom on one of the flowers.
Swap topics: I got a message from the post office that I have a package coming from amazon. I don’t know what it is, I hope I did not order something accidently.
Yesterday afternoon about 5:00pm (aka happy time):
My favorite wife and I went outside to enjoy the fact that the temp was below 100. I think it was 98 when we went out and we still positioned the fans to provide a good breeze. We had sat there maybe 5 minutes then we heard the neighbors air conditioner make a loud noise and shut off. I looked at my wife and she pointed at the fans and said, they have stopped too.
It was at that time that I became aware that we had no electric power. I got up out of my ole chair and opened the door to the office and it was dark, yep, we were without power. I got on the cell phone and called the neighbor across the street to see if they had power, they did. Then my wife got a call from the lady a couple houses down the street asking if we had power. It seems as if the power on our side of the street was off, but across the street they had power.
It did not take long for the neighbor whose air conditioner went off, to come over and ask if we had power. Since we did not, and he did not, we gave him a chair and he stayed. We learned that he was having some medical problems and would need surgery. He went into some detail, but I will not go there.
While we were talking his granddaughter came over, she had been waiting on him in the front yard. She pulled up a chair and began talking. I should note that she is very smart, and she talks about anything, she is 8 years old and in the third grade.
Then our neighbors who live across the street, and still have power, came over to sit with us. Topics of conversations were varied and enjoyable. As we sat there, we observed the big truck from the power company drive slowly down the street.
Possibly 15 minutes or so had passed when the next-door neighbor’s wife arrived home, and she came over. We were able to get an additional chair and the conversations continued. At some point in the event (close to 6:00) the power came back on, the fans started, and our visitors all began to abandon us. My favorite wife and I stayed out for a while longer, enjoying the nice weather.
Well, now that I have made you tired from reading, I will say, “that is it for now, we hope your power stays on, and you have a safe and fun day.”
Black out enjoyed!
Senior ole person who needs to do something or take a nap, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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