
Tuesday, May 9, 2023

May 9, 2023

            Well, I made it through the day yesterday as I worked my ole body to a point of exhaustion. I started the day by leaving the Homestead, heading for the gas station, yep, I needed some gas for the ole string trimmer and a little for the ole pickup. Since I was out and about, I did go to get a cup of real coffee.          

            Arriving back at home, I was able to mix a little oil in with the gas for the string trimmer, and I removed the string trimer from the shed. My goal starting out, was to trim the front yard in prep for a possible mowing later in the day. Completing the front yard, I proceeded to the back 40 where there was plenty that needed to be trimmed.

            In the back 40 there are many objects like sheds, berry beds, flower beds, the back of the house, two trees, a trailer and the fence, which needed to be trimmed. Needless to say this took a while to do. I was finishing with the fence when I ran out of string, maybe 40 feet to go, and I decided, I was not reloading the string on the trimmer, I was done. Trimmer put away, yep, a little trimming left for next time.

It was break time for this ole person, I did eat lunch and I rested in the Fords ole recliner for a while.

Break and lunch time over, I headed out to get the walk behind mower and brought it to the front yard where I manicured the front yard. Now if you had read a previous posting, you would be aware of the fact that I mowed the back 40 on Sunday. Wow, all my grass and weeds are mowed, well not all, the ditch behind the house needs to be mowed, maybe I can get the yard man Alex to do that.

I should note, my allergies were really bad during the trimming and mowing, at one point I got a mask and wore it to reduce the intake of pollen.

Mowing done, tools put away, except for the walk behind mower which I need to work on, I proceed to get a wash job (aka shower) for the Don! Needless to say I was tired and I took a break staying inside the house hoping to avoid the pollen.

I did leave the homestead to go get in line to get the Alex. I was very hot sitting there in the Ford’s ole Chevy, as the sun was shining and I refuse to let the vehicle idol with the air conditioner on, while I wait. Alex came out and together he and I went to get Dave from work.

Back at home I was advised that the flower pots out back needed to be watered, and I was allowed to moved one flower pot to a new location. My first wife worked in the garage all day yesterday pricing items for a future garage sale. I did pick up some of the debris that was generated as she worked, and placed it in the trash receptacle.  

We did ok the building of a new carport; he is scheduled to start next Monday. I did not ask how long it will take, but I assume if he works alone maybe 3 days. This fellow worked alone when he built our patio cover. Another neighbor is also interested in getting a cover as he is going to get his wife a new vehicle, and wanted to protect it. Now they have a garage, but like many garages, it is filled with stuff.

Ole yard man

Senior ole person who needs a break from this blog, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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