Good morning, you are my favorite person in the reading public! In today’s post I will talk about what I, along with my favorite wife did yesterday.
We both worked in the front yard and we got tired!
Actually, there wasn’t much of anything else that we did yesterday. Wait a minute, we did both take showers in the afternoon due to being dirty and having perspired during the day. We did, late in the afternoon, drag our ole bodies out to the swing, and while having an adult beverage, we discussed completing the front yard work the next day, which by the way is today.
We wanted to remove a large portion of the acorns which have accumulated in the jasmine beds year after year. I had previously attempted to remove the acorns with a shop vac, you know, vacuum up the acorns, but that did not produce the expected results.
I, being very inquisitive, tried to use an ole broom to sweep the acorns out of the beds. That did not work for the same reason that the rake did not work, too many vines, and people driving by gave me the look.
I then decided the only way I was going to remove acorns, was to first cut the vines, so I could then use a rake to pile up the acorns, and then remove said piles. I did not want to walk on the acorns any more than necessary, as that pushed them into the ground, and made it almost impossible to get them removed. I used the battery powered string trimmer to removed and area of Jasmin vines, then with out walking on that area I attempted to raked the acorns. There were still vines making it difficult to rake.
Being a wise senior person, I decided to use the leaf blower and blow the area I had cut to see if I could expose the rest of the vines. It worked better than I had planned. It not only exposed the vines for easier cutting, the blower was moving many of the acorns. From that point on I used the trimmer and the blower prior to the rake.
Now this process took hours of work starting about 9:30 and ending about 3:30. Note our trash container was empty when we started, it was over half full when we stopped and we are not yet done.
During the time I was doing the above, my first wife was on the ground pulling weeds and grass from the new Jasmin bed. After completing the weed and grass removal, my present wife noted that the new bed where she had worked needed to be watered. I then activated the sprinklers in that area.
We picked up the tools and cleaned up the walks and porch, then sitting on the Ford’s ole swing we made plans for today’s work. All those plans would be for nothing.
This morning as I drug my ole tired body out of the Ford’s ole bed, I staggered to the back door where I allow the Tres to go outside for a morning area review. Opening the back door I was surprised to see that the sprinkler system had ran, yes front yard and back 40 were wet.
Obviously, I was unhappy, I would not be able to work in the Jasmin while the ground is wet. I had ran the one sprinkler area yesterday, and I had failed to turn the sprinklers to off, leaving the switch on Manual. When the switch is on either Manual or On, the entire system will run at the scheduled time. For a short while I was upset, but it came to me that possibly it is better that I rest this ole senior body for a day, and then finish removing the acorns. Possibly a source higher than us knew that our ole senior bodies needed a day of rest!
I hope to do some bible study homework today and I will read from the bible for my own pleasure. Bible study homework is one thing, but my reading daily from the bible is just for me! You should try daily bible reading, it will help you in life.
We hope your day is restful but productive, and we want you to be safe!
Acorns and vines
Senior acorn remover and vine destroyer, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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