As I sit here in my ole tired body, I am attempting to come up with something that might enlighten you, and the reading public. Since I have nothing that is interesting, I will just write about anything that comes to mind.
First topic is income. Income may be defined as, a payment received for products or services rendered. Now who decided to call it income, I believe it was the IRS. They were referring to our money coming into their hands, so it is income.
Let's add to the word, “ing”, then we have incoming, and if you were ever in the military or if you had watched any TV shows about the military, you would know what incoming means, and the meaning is totally different from money.
The word income can be divided into two words, “in and come”. Neither of those two words in or come have anything to do with money. If one switches the two words, you get come in, now that, I understand. They should check with us ole people before they make up new words.
Topic swap: I had presented info about the black cat and the orange cat, in a previous post. It was pointed out to me by a wise person who reads my blog posting, that I may have interrupted a mating process. If so, “Sorry cats”!
Subject alteration: yesterday the wind was low, so I decided to work on the back 40. It turned out to be more work than expected. First, I needed to get the dog toys picked up, then I need to remove the extension cord from the patio to the green house, then after providing water for the birds, dog and berries, I needed to remove the 100-foot-long hose from the yard.
I then needed to bring the air hose from the compressor to the gate where I hoped to put air into the mower tires. I then uncovered the mower and checked the oil and added gas and brought it to the gate and put air into the tires.
Then I acquired a rake and raked the leaves away from the fence. I then mounted the riding mower and began to blow the leaves into one of two areas. The riding mower does not mulch the leaves, but it does blow them fairly good. When I had the first group blown into the first area, I then got the walk behind mower and mulched and bagged the leaves.
That completed I used the riding mower for the second area and after blowing the leaves, I vacuumed them up.
Blowing and vacuuming done I put the equipment away. Due to all the dust from the work I needed to get a shower before going to the Bible study meeting.
Speaking of Bible study, in our group about half the people were not there. If you want to read something that can be interesting, read Hosea. His wife’s name was Gomer, and that’s not all.
Well, I guess I am back on a normal schedule today, the kids are back in school so I will get them after work today.
We hope you have a safe and interesting day, be nice to at least one person.
Lawn work…
Senior ole retired person who is re tired again, (play on words) Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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