
Thursday, October 28, 2021

Did something else 10/28/2021

            Good morning, or good day, or good evening, depending on when you look at this posting. I did say look at this posting, as I know at least 20% of this reading public can’t or don’t read.

            That being said, I received a nice comment from a friend who stated, he was glad that my favorite wife and I were able to have quiet time together in the afternoons. He understands that with busy schedules people often don’t have, or take the time to just have some quiet time together. 

            I did something else yesterday, I had the contractor to come over and review just how everything would proceed with replacing the cement front porch. He did explain things clear enough that I could understand. I did request one little change. He will be getting the contract written up for our review and if agreed upon, a signature.

            The wind is blowing like crazy, and yesterday as I sat outside during happy hour, the wind began to gust, and the pecan tree was flopping around. I thought, that wind should cause some pecans to fall, one fell about 10 feet away. Happily, I crawled out of the Ford’s ole rocker, and walked over to it, where I picked it up. It was an acorn, not a pecan. The oak tree has a limb over part of the pecan tree and acorns drop there.  

            I have scheduled two booster shots for my first wife and me this coming Saturday. At least I hope I did; I did not get any acknowledgement from the drug store. Are they referred to as drug stores, are should we use their company names? I don’t use company names unless I am getting paid to.

            I will take the grand kids to school this morning, I hope to drop by the teller machine and get our $5.00 for the coming week. I might have enough funding in my Star coffee card to get one more cup of coffee, and I need to get some gas in the Ford’s ole Chevy.

            If all goes well, I may attempt to pull weeds from the number one and number two black berry beds today. With the 1.5-inch rain we had, the ground should be soft, and it should be easier for a retired senior person to pull the weeds.

            I guess that is it for now, have a good day!

Take time to think!


Senior retired ole person who is thankful, Don the Ford

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