
Thursday, September 9, 2021

Is this Thursday 09/09/2021

            I took the grand kids to school as usual this morning, and the radio had info about the twin towers. It brought back some thoughts so I told of my experience to Gabi as we drove to school.

            Yesterday, I did clear out and organize this ole office area. It looks better and I hope I can keep it this way for a while. Do I have a plan for today? Yep, I plan to remove some wires from the back of the Fords homestead. These are some ole coaxial cables that were used for ham radio. I will leave one cable, as it goes to the two-meter antenna, and I occasionally turn on a two-meter radio.

            My spouse of more than half a century purchased a fan for the patio. The fan provides some air movement which makes sitting out there much more comfortable.

            Not a lot of other news from the Ford Homestead, one neighbor is supposed to return home from their vacation today, and another neighbor is going on vacation tomorrow. As the Tres and I walked this morning, we were greeted by a neighbor / friend’s son, as he left his mother’s house. He actually lives and works in Austin but was visiting with his mother. The house next door is still vacant.

            That is all from the Ford homestead, I need to get started while it is still cool outside.


Safety = shots, mask, distance!


Senior who has a work plan for the morning, Don the Ford



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