An actual Christmas star? An astronomer at Rice University, told Forbes, “You’d have to go all the way back to just before dawn on March 4, 1226, to see a closer alignment between these objects visible in the night sky.” Forbes notes that some believe that the “Star of Bethlehem” in the story of the “Three wise Men” could have been a rare triple conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn and Venus.
The planets will appear low in the western sky for about an hour after sunset. They’ll be closest on December 21, 2020, but you can see them each evening that week, and it will be bright enough to be seen, even during twilight. All you need is an unobstructed view to the southwest. To see it, look to the southwest about 45 minutes after sunset.
Subject change:
Since all we hear on the so-called news is about the virus, I guess that is why it was on my mind again when I woke up this morning. Let me suggest that you stop reading this post now.
What if, this virus was intentionally turned lose on the planet, not by humans, but by a higher power.
What if the reason was to intentionally eliminate the week, sick, and diseased?
What if for some reason, having only the strong and fit people alive, was the reason for this virus, also known as, “Survival of the fittest”?
What if there is something coming in the future, some type disaster, where the human population will be fighting for something to eat. A disaster would require humans to be strong and physically fit, how many would survive?
What if this disaster came in the form of an asteroid, which after impacting the earth, caused a chain reaction of earth quakes?
What if the earth quakes caused volcanos, like the Yellow Stone volcano, worldwide to erupt?
What if the sun was blocked for 7 years, causing plant life to parish?
What if?
I told you to stop reading! Negative thoughts, or prediction, who knows?
Share your positive thoughts!
Senior story writer, who hasn’t protected his faucets from the cold, Don the Ford
1 comment:
Don, always remember your upbringing. God is in control of everything. Paul
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