
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Bible reading is good 11/03/2020

            I have a couple topics today, let us start with, Reading the Bible.

           I would like to give an opinion of mine, and that is, “Reading the Bible as I see it, is very interesting, informative, and sharing it can be a blessing along with just plane ole fun!”

           A friend, brought something nice to my wife, and as a joke he gave her something to give to me. He gave her three acorns for me. Now this friend knows that I have been trying to remove acorns from my yard for a couple months now. So, giving me three acorns is a good joke. Now how do I get back at him, with the same acorns, as a joke.

           A part of the Bible came to me, that I might be able to use as a joke with my friend. I put the three acorns in a small brown bag, plus three additional acorns. Then I printed out the information below and put it into the bag.

           Later, I gave the bag with the 6 acorns and the note to him.


Mathew 25: 19, 20, 21,

         Parable of the Talents:

19 Now after a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and make a reckoning with them. 20 And he that received the five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou delivered unto me five talents: lo, I have gained other five talents. 21 His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will set thee over many things; enter thou into the joy of thy lord.


           Now, before that one person gets his or her dander up, allow me to explain my point of view. Talking about the bible doesn’t have to be done from a pulpit, at a church, all serious and at times even somewhat scary. When there is a Bible study group the discussions should obviously be based on the bible, but do you need to be so serious, or have one point of view only.

           When I read the Bible, I read it to learn, and I often have questions, but I also truly enjoy it. If I did not enjoy it, I would not do it!

           If I can take a passage from the bible, and find a way to get someone thinking about it, then I am doing good. If I use a joke which ties into the bible, I see that as ok.       You do it your way, I do it my way!


           New topic, or is it, a prediction?

           This morning as Tres and I went for our walk, he suggested that we do a political survey. At first, I was not in favor but after a short debate, Tres convinced me to do the survey, saying, “You can put the results on the blog posting today”.

           Typically, I walk looking at the pavement and or Tres. Today, I continually reviewed each yard looking for signs for either candidate for president. Tres had suggested that I count the number of signs for each candidate, and the candidate with the most signs will be the predicted winner. I did as the Tres suggested, counting the signs. I was surprised at the numbers, as I thought there were more Biden signs than there were.

      Trump has 8 signs;      Biden has 4 signs!

         According to this poling (aka sign counting on Oklahoma Ave) Trump will continue to be your president.

I will attach a photo, cause I want to!


Some homes still have swings for the kids. I have seen adults use this swing too.

If you haven’t, go do it, VOTE!

Senior sign counter and presenter of the info, Don the Ford

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