
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Driveway, sidewalk, patio 09/15/2020

            As the informed reading public knows, I have made attempts at getting bids to rework the Ford’s ole driveway. One of the things that amazed me is, not all contractors would bid. I called, they said they would be there at a given time/day, and they did not come. That said, we have agreed with a concrete contractor to replace the drive way, the sidewalk and the patio. Why do I refer to the walk as a sidewalk? The walk goes from the front porch to the curb; it isn’t beside anything.

            I had in a previous posting, indicated that the new driveway would probably cost more than $500. I can now report that all the concrete work will cost more than $750. If you want to help my favorite spouse, who will need to work overtime gathering aluminum cans, in order for us to pay for this, you may make donations! Please, any donations should be in $100 amounts, make the checks out to The Ford Foundation, Cement replacement.

            I need to move a bunch of stuff from and around the patio, prior to their arrival. Too much work for this ole retired senior person.


            Subject change; this is an ole memory of a car wreck in which I was driving.


            In the photo we see the demolished bridge that went across the Mississippi river, from Cape Girardeau Mo. to Illinois. When I was a teenager I was driving from Illinois to Missouri when a vehicle stopped in front of me, and I ran into the back of that vehicle. My wreck did not demolish the bridge, that occurred many years later. If you look closely you may see the new bridge in the photo.


            I need to get to work clearing the patio.


Expect less, enjoy more!


Senior patio stuff mover, Don the Ford

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