
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Friend 07.28.2020

              Tres was up most of the night. We tried to put the big plastic neck cone on him, and he did not take to it. He was drugged up and acted as if he wasn’t sure where he was. He would not lay down. He would stand there and being almost asleep, he would sway and almost fall down. We finally got him to lay down, as long as one of us would stay there with him. We were both up with him all night, we would take a nap while the other watched the Tres. A very tiresome night.

              He is doing better today although he isn’t eating or drinking yet. The vet called to see how he was doing and she suggested something made from chicken, my present spouse went to the store an purchased some. Tres liked the chicken that My favorite wife went an purchased, he even licked the juice that was in the can. Now if he would start drinking, we may need to force him to drink. 

              New subject: I just learned that my word program will read aloud to me. My word program is 2019 edition, go to Review, and click on read aloud, nice now I can find my typing and grammar errors.

              A subject change;

              I have recently wondered what the word “friend” actually means. As we all know, during these times of isolation we are told to stay in contact with friends and family, if nothing more than a phone call.

              As I have thought about this I wonder, are neighbors’ friends, just because they live close? The neighbor says hello when they see you out in the yard, does that make them a friend or maybe they are just friendly. In the past, I have commented about being friends with someone who works under your supervision. You should be friendly with all staff, but Do not be friends with staff!

              A friend, who lives down the street from me came to the door today and needed my help. He had run his riding mower off in a ditch and could not get it out. I took the Fords ole Chevy down to his house and I had to back the pickup between a fence and the top of the ditch, about 50 feet along the ditch. There was about 1 foot of room before my wheels would have went off into the ditch. We did get the mower pulled out without any damage.  Larry and I have been friends for many years.

              Being friends, and being friendly, are two different things!


Masks make us appear not so ugly!


Senior silly grandpa and masker, Don the Ford  

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