
Friday, March 27, 2020

How do we celebrate 03/27/2020

               Now I see you have read the title line and you have a question. Yes I can read your mind, I know you are wondering, “Celebrate what”! Well, I can tell you, it is not celebrating this staying at home and wondering about the virus. You know, me staying at home isn’t much different from normal, but for my wife of over 50 years it is tough. She usually goes to get groceries two different days, at two different stores, and then on Friday (today) she would go to various stores, often visiting with people she knows and don’t know.
               Back to the title line, how do we celebrate, our anniversary? On April 5th, 1969, my favorite girlfriend became my favorite wife!  Somehow I doubt that the home confinement due to the virus situation will be over in 9 days. I suggested that we would do some type of celebration after the confinement is over.
               As I was sitting outside yesterday contemplating all the world problems, I noticed a bird, he was a black grackle. Normally the male grackles are out strutting their stuff, showing the long new feathers they have on their tail, but this fellow was just looking for food. Photo to follow, note that the bird is so black that he appears to have blue in his color. Click to enhance.
               We received a toilet paper contribution yesterday afternoon. We are blessed with good neighbors who are also good friends!

               What did I do yesterday, I brought the Ford’s ole chop saw from the shed to the driveway, along with some scrap wood from the kid’s ole fort. Me and the saw had a couple problems but I was able to solve the problem. Using scrap wood I cut the pieces for three feathered friend residence (aka bird houses). Hopefully I will have the nails and screws needed to put them together today.

May you have good neighbors too!

Senior feathered friends residence constructor, Don Ford  


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