
Thursday, December 12, 2019

True stories 12.12.2019

            As I sit here on the Fords ole office chair, I am thinking about a couple stories that are true, and at least one of the stories is unusual. Where do I start? Let’s start with Friday 13th.
            Tomorrow is Friday 13th, and yes I have a good friend who might stay home from work on Friday as he sees the day being worrisome. But this story is not about Dalton I mean my friend.
            Our granddaughter, and might I say my favorite granddaughter, has a birthday on Friday 13th.           If I may continue, Gabi will be 13 years old on Friday 13th.             Wow, becoming a teenager on Friday 13th, how much better could it get. She thinks it is a good thing and brags about the Friday 13th birthday!             
                                                 Happy birthday Gabi!

            Next story, and it was funny to me.
            As I opened the door so Tres and I could go outside to get the morning paper, I noticed our cat Molly was at the door wanting in. Not wanting to be stepped on by a huge dog, Molly moved away from the door as Tres went out. It was still dark but the sun would be up in a little while.
            As I stepped out the door I noticed light coming from the neighbor’s home. They evidently now have a night light over the garage door. Tres went about his usual activities, smelling of everything, and watering some things. As he worked his way around the yard I noticed Molly at the door wanting in. I opened said door and she went in. I then saw Charlie coming up the street from the neighbor’s house.
            Tres also saw Charlie and decided he would go escort Charlie back to our yard. As Tres approached, Charlie began to run, and Tres followed. I was still standing at the door when Charlie made the turn from the street to our sidewalk. I quickly opened the door and Charlie went past me into the Ford’s Homestead at full speed. I quickly shut the door and Tres came to a sliding stop. Disappointed, Tres hung his head and walked out to get the newspaper. 

            Changing the topic again:
            I asked Alex what he wanted for Christmas, the following is his response. Alex wants a full size corner desk for his room. He also wants an office type chair so he could comfortably sit at the corner desk. I asked him, what could I get him for Christmas. He quickly stated, I want a one thousand dollar desktop computer for my new desk. He went on to say a desk top is more powerful that a lap top. He explained that he would use his lap top when they went somewhere but he would use the desk top at home.
            I explained that a thousand dollars was a lot of money. I didn’t tell him it would take more than a year for his grandma to collect enough aluminum cans to pay for a desk top computer. Maybe some rich member of the reading public, could get him the desk top, no one at the Ford Homestead is rich!

Christmas, what a fun holiday!

Senior poor retired person; Don Ford

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