
Thursday, March 14, 2019

The back forty 03/14/19

               In this soon to be article of distinction, I will enlighten the reader as to something I misunderstood. Yes, I know what you are thinking, can Don really misunderstand anything. It is seldom that I admit not understanding, but today I do.
               We have had a bunch of rain today, the Ford’s ole rain gage is indicating ¾ inch. Our back 40 has water standing in the low lying areas. Our pot hound went to the back door and I opened it. He looked out and seeing the standing water, he refused to exit the Homestead. I, being a kind person, went to the front door and allowed him to exit. After smelling everything, he decided to fertilize the Jasmin.       
            When he came back into the house, he went to the garage. For some reason he seems to enjoy laying on the cement floor looking under the slightly raised garage door. I went to the office area with a cup of coffee where I turned the TV on. As I sipped the coffee I heard what sounded like thunder. My first thought was, the rain is turning into storms! We needed the rain, but not storms.
            The thunder kept going and I realized, it was not thunder I was hearing. It was a rocket test. Sometimes the tests are 5 to 10 seconds, while other times they are 30 seconds long. The long test has a tendency to shake the house. That was my misunderstanding, it wasn’t thunder, it was a rocket motor.
            Later in the day, let’s say about 5:00pm, this senior retired person was sitting on the Ford’s ole rocker near the garage door.
            I have seen several new rocking chairs that I would like to have, but those chairs are $150.00 each, being on a fixed income, new is out of the question.
            As I sat there in the ole worn out rocker, I looked around where I noticed a glass with an adult beverage in it. The day had turned into something nice. The sky was clear and blue, not a cloud to be seen. As I continued to survey the area I looked up at the flag and it was being blown by a stiff breeze, photo to follow. You may say the pledge if you like!
I pledge allegiance to the Flag…!

Senior Flag pledger: Don Ford


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