
Saturday, January 12, 2019

Dave's birthday 01.12.19

            January 12th 44 years ago, a boy was born. Today we celebrated by going out to lunch with Dave, Claire, Gabi and Alex. Lunch was good and the conversation was bright and interesting. After lunch we returned to the Ford’s Homestead where my favorite wife found the camera and photos were taken.
            Note; while we were eating lunch I referred to my present wife as my favorite wife. Alex quickly explained that she was my only wife. Now my present wife knows that being referred to as my favorite wife doesn’t mean anything since she is my only wife. Why did Alex have to spoil a good thing?
            Alex was talking to the echo dot (aka Alexa) when someone asked Alexa to sing happy birthday. Alexa began singing and we all chimed in singing to Dave. Artificial intelligence will take over someday.  
            Speaking of the grandkids, they are here at the house this afternoon and tonight. We will take them to brunch tomorrow. They have been staring into their computers since we returned from lunch.

Hope your Saturday is as nice as ours!

Senior relaxation specialist; Don Ford  


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