
Tuesday, April 10, 2018

A Blue Fungus 04.10.18

               I understand that most of you have never heard of, “The Blue Fungus”! That is ok, not everyone can be as informed as yours truly. Don’t feel bad, especially if you live in one of those northern states, you know what I mean, a Yankee! Those who are not southerners have not been exposed to many of the good things in life. I, being a naturalized Texan, have learned many things over the years.
               I received a call from a biker friend yesterday, wanting to know if I wanted to go on a short ride this week. He knows I pick up the grand son in the afternoon and have to be home early in time to get the Alex.  This friend explained that a couple of the school bus drivers were going on the ride and they had to be back by 1:00pm so they can drive the buses and get the kids home from school. That would get me home in time to get the Alex.
               Now the problem is, my bike is dirty. I will need to wash the bike before I ride it anywhere. Therein lies another problem. Neither of my hoses will reach the drive, which means I would need to bring one of the hoses either from the front yard or from the back yard and attach it to the other. This extra work is unacceptable.
               If you have an old, or new hose, which you would like to donate, feel free to bring it to our Homestead. If you like to wash motorcycles I will accept any help!  I am glad I pulled the weeds from the black berries yesterday, that is one less thing I will need to do today allowing me to have the time to clean the bike.
               I just went to the kitchen and acquired a bagel with cream cheese and a cup of coffee. As I was shutting the bagel plastic bag, I thought of the olden days when bread did not have a good way to shut the container after it was open. In the olden day the open end was not sealed and the bread would get dry quickly and mold would set in. This was good for the bread company as they would sell more bread to replace the bad.
               Then they came up with a, for lack of a better word, a sticker on the end of the loaf of bread, this sticker would allow the bread to be opened and re-closed. It was a good effort that did not work as well as it should. Next I remember they went to twist ties which worked, but took more effort than some wanted to put into reclosing bread. Now we have the plastic clip. I don’t have a better description for this flat plastic piece but it works. Evolution in motion.
               Monday afternoon as I sat in the Ford’s Chevy waiting for the Alex to get out of school, as I was recovering from working on my hands and knees in the black berries earlier in the day, I may have drifted off to sleep. I was woken up by the school bell indicating that the kidos were getting out. I slowly sat up and looked around. There were probably 75 or more cars waiting to pick up children. That is when I noticed this Blue fungus that was covering most of the yard in front of the school. Was the fungus moving toward my vehicle, should I roll up the windows in an effort to keep it out?
               I quickly decided to get a photo, and then grab the boy and leave before it came any closer to my vehicle. I will enclose the photo.

               As you can see, the Blue Fungus was only 50 feet or so away from my vehicle. What? You are looking at the red car in my mirror. I try to provide you with pertinent information and you are looking elsewhere.
Yes there was a photo from a different point of view and comment, in an earlier posting.

May the Fungus stay away from you!

Don Ford

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