
Monday, October 2, 2017

On the wing of a... 10.02.17

                Well, when this article is published it will be October, even though I am writing it in September. It occurs to me that the people that decide on words and names, have again missed the chance to get the right word at the right time.
                When I was a children, my friend who’s dad was rich, (Owned Monroe glass), had a dog. They lived in a big house, had a Cadillac and they had two phones, one upstairs and one down stairs! If you had two phones, you had to be rich.  The dog’s name was Octember. Yes that is an unusual name for a dog, and I have remembered it for these 60 plus years.
                If you have half a brain you already know what I am about to say, but I will say it any way. Why did they name the 10th month October? Common since would say that we should have the months named, “September, Octember, November, December!”  I don’t care who you are, you know I am right!
                Anyway back to my story. For those of you who are hopeless romantics, you would likely think, the title of this wonderful article would be, “On the wings of an angel”!  WRONG! The reference is to, “On the wing of a Honda”, my Gold wing!
                It was a Saturday afternoon and I had completed my after lunch nap. Being tired of laying in the Ford’s old recliner, I decided to see if the Ford’s old motorcycle would start, and if so I would go for a short ride. I explained to my spouse of 48 years that I would be gone for 30 minutes to an hour. It turned out to be 2.5 hours and 110 miles.
                I started the ride with a short trip in mind, and as I rode it occurred to me that I could ride out to the Bunk house and get a couple sandwiches for supper. There was a problem, I was riding away from the bunk house. I reviewed the maps stored in my head and established two routes to get me there. One route was scenic and much longer the other less scenery and shorter. I went with shorter. I estimated that I would arrive at the bunk house at 3:30 and I only missed it by a couple minutes.
                I bought a couple sandwiches and an ice tea, and headed for home. I estimated I would arrive at home about 4:30 and I hit it right on the nose. Before anyone asks, yes I have a cup holder on the wing for the ice tea!
                It was a safe and rather nice ride. Only one idiot in a car that made me a little upset. I had the cruise control set at 75, when this idiot pulled out of a side road in my lane of traffic. I was able to bring the wing down to his speed, which was about 40. Yep, I called him the north end of a south bound horse, or something like that!
                I did take a couple photos, and the view was more interesting to me than the photos will be to you, as the photos do not cause me to have the same reaction I had, when I was taking the photos.  

Above is a photo of one of the many wide open fields that one sees as they ride. When one thinks about what they are seeing, it is one large state! Although I do not have a photo, I noticed that many of the houses on the farms and ranches, had flags displayed. Most had both, American and Texas!
I saw this large old tree, with these very large limbs broken off. I had to stop and get a photo.

It somehow seemed sad that an old tree had to be broken like that.
                I don’t ride much, and have wanted to sell the bike, but I must say todays ride was real nice, in part due to the temperature being in the low 80s!

Enjoy it while you can!

Don Ford

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