
Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Fun Time 08.08.17

                I thought there is too much political crap going on, so today is just some fun stuff.
                I was listening to the TV this morning when I heard them talking about a medical problem in which one coughs a lot and it is real bad for children. One can get a vaccination and that will keep it away. I personally did not like what they said!
                As a “children” I always heard it called hooping cough! I don’t care how it is spelled, in Missouri we called it hooping cough! This north end of a south bound donkey, on the TV pronounced the name wooping cough, (leaving the H out).
                Let us consider another word for a moment, and you may agree that I am right and the liberal who pronounced the name as wooping cough is wrong. How do you say the word, “who”? It is not pronounced as, “woo”, so why would anyone pronounce whooping cough with the W sound, the W is obviously silent!
                If you really want to get into correct pronunciation, or possibly correct spelling, let’s consider the word “who”. How can who be right, if Sue is right?                             Think about it… 
                Why don’t they come to me for the correct pronunciation, before they embarrass themselves?
Different subject:
                Let’s look at a photo that presents a peaceful image.

                What will happen next?

May your day be filled with peace!

Don Ford

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