
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Jumped the Gun 03.01.16

            As you know the saying, “jumped the gun”, came from foot racing. Foot racing sounds silly, maybe I should have stated, racing, running using only their feet. Anyway, they use to shoot a gun to start the race and if someone started prior to the gun being shot, they were said to be, “jumping the gun”.
            Some may think I have jumped the gun, if I occasionally do jump the gun, I may get away with it, and then I am the winner.
Before that one person opens his mouth and asks that silly question, yes, I am too old to run a foot race, and no I am not writing about me racing with anyone. I am writing about me, getting ahead of others, and hopefully it will provide me with an exhilarating feeling of superiority. Can you imagine, a senior citizen on a fixed income, feeling superior.
I am one tired puppy this evening, I was on my hands and knees digging shallow trenches so my landscape timbers at the garden, would be partially recessed into the ground. I did this after tilling the garden again.
I just remember why my right shoulder is hurting, it is an unusual reason. I was attempting to clean the wet dirt, almost mud, off the wheels of the tiller prior to putting it into the shed. I was sitting in one of our lawn chairs in the back yard. The back yard is still somewhat wet and as I sat there one of the legs sank into the ground. As the chair went over, I was stuck between the handles of the tiller and the chair. I strained everything to get out from between the chair, as it was embedded in the ground, and a tiller that weighs about 150 pounds.
It is bed time for this sore and tired senior, I will finish this tomorrow, good night.

Good Morning! I am awake and ready for the day. I have completed my workout and had my first cup of coffee. I am ready to complete this story, if I can remember what it is about.
Guns? What was I going to say about guns? Oh, ok, the story is not about guns, it is about getting ahead of the neighbors. This is not cheating, it is, in some ways, taking a chance. Yes, it is a financial risk that I decided to take on leap day (yesterday). 
Have you thought about the names of the months? Do you have any idea how they were named? Ok, I will enlighten you. Back in the olden days they did not have a way to know if it was summer or winter. You would think all they had to do was walk outside, if it was hot then it was summer, but that wasn’t good enough.
A board for the establishment of a calendar was created. There were 12 men, no women, on the board. Each man was allowed to pick a name for a month, and then as a group they decided which month got which name. Some months were named after ladies such as April and May. Some months were named wrong such as March.
What? Why was March named wrong? Think about it, March should have been named Mortuary, and before you ask consider this, January, February, Mortuary and so on. I don’t know why they don’t ask me before they make these decisions.
But I digress, yesterday I planted 5 tomato plants. Is that jumping the gun, maybe? I believe I can protect the plants from a single freeze. If we were to get multiple days of freezing weather then all bets are off. If my plants survive March, then I have a head start on the neighbors and I will feel like a winner.
Alex has a birthday this Friday, he will be 6 years old. Just think in 10 years he will be getting a driver’s license.

Be kind to someone today!

Don Ford

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