
Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Grandees 10.29.15

                Before we headed for school yesterday the grandees were playing in the drive way.
            Different subject; you know how absorbent observant I am, and if the truth be known, I do absorb the things I observe. I just noticed something that I have seen and or written 984,772 times but I just now noticed. A word that starts with and ends with the same letter. No, it isn’t radar, just wait and I will enlighten. The word is yesterday. I don’t know why that word caught my attention, but it did.
            As I was trying to say before I began to absorb, the grandees were playing on the drive way yesterday.             What?              You are asking what is a grandee. Let me try to explain it this way, a synonym for grandee could be VIP or celebrity, in other words, “the grand kids”. 
            Please, try to hold your questions until I have finished.
            I asked Gabi if she had noticed that I had mowed the yard and did she think it looked good. Her reply was yes I saw the yard, it always looks like a race track. It took a second for that to sink in, see photo.
 You might be able to see the lines in the yard which in Gabi’s opinion, make it look like a race track.
            Alex and Gabi drew a couple pictures on the drive way as seen in the following.
Gabi’s rendition of the full moon. I thought it was the sun until she explained that it was the moon.
            Alex drew a cartoon person as seen below.
 I know, your first thought was, that is a drawing of Grandpa Don, but you would be wrong (even though there is a strong resemblance).
Today is rock star day at school and the kids can dress like rock stars. Alex has his hair spiked and Gabi has her hair in puppy dog ears.
Alex presents his fake smile, his dad use to do the same thing as a kid. The Gabi is presenting her, aaaaaaa, her rock start attitude!
            Very different subject, I am 80% sure that I will just keep the old pick up and give up on the new truck. It is my opinion that they are way over priced and I mean all of them. To those of you that have sent in donations towards the new pickup, they will be returned to you, maybe.
            It is a nice cool day here at the homestead (should be 70 at noon) and I will likely take the gold wing for a ride today collimating at the Bunk House. They have an old person special on Thursdays and being an old person who is on a fixed income, who can’t afford a new truck, and who might find some real nice road kill on my ride to the lunch, I thought it would be good for me to get out and enjoy the day. 
            The other afternoon as I was sitting in the old rocker meditating, beverage in hand, I had this awful thought. “I have been treating my Gold Wing like a Harley, only riding it once or twice a month”. I must either ride it more or sell it, Gold Wings should not be forced to sit in the garage unappreciated like a Harley. 
            For that one person who reads these well written, should I say artful in design, stories, yes I have both computers running windows 10 and I like it. My cell phone is running windows 8 so it sinks well with the computers.
            I have been turning on the HF radio lately, as a matter of fact it is on now. As I was sitting and waiting on the cable people to get us back on line I heard this fellow calling CQ (CQ is used in Morse code and by voice operators asking others to contact them).
That ham operator was in Cuba. I listened for a while and decided to see if I could make the trip to Cuba (communicate with him). I went back to the ham in Cuba with my call sign and he came back to me. We exchanged names and he said I was 5 by 9 (5 by 9 means I have a good signal).
            Although I have not been active as a ham, I find it fun, being able to communicate over those long distances.

May all your communications be 5 X 9!

Don Ford

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