
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Formula 02.24.15

                It didn’t happen as predicted, and that isn’t bad.
                The predictions were all for freezing rain and of course slippery roads. All the schools and some businesses had delayed their opening by a couple hours this morning.
                I was looking at the weather radar on TV, while the weather people were predicting all that bad weather. I could see that the freezing rain had all moved to the east, where it should be, but the professionals were still warning us of what was to come.
                This morning, I popped up out of bed to see who was right, me or the prognosticators. Well, I am here to tell you, “I was right again”. Being right all the time is almost as much of a curse as the well-known, “Ford food curse”.
                What, you haven’t heard of the, “Ford food curse”? If you haven’t heard of the curse then you have never ate at the same table with any of the Fords.
Let me tell you about the, “Ford food curse”. It is very simple, all Fords and anyone eating with them, are subject to getting food on their clothing during a meal of snack. The curse does not go away with age, in fact it might get worse.
Back to the topic of this article, “formula”. Maybe I should have titled the article in the plural, “Formulas. The studying I have been doing on the subject of amateur radio, (ham radio) has numerous formulas that involve higher levels of math. Let me show you one of the easiest formulas I have worked with;                            V peak = 1.414 x V rms                                  this formula is used to calculate the peak voltage of a sinusoidal waveform.  I find that I must read carefully, as, there can be additional step/s with an additional number or letter.  
Learning and relearning the electronics of ham radio is as much of a challenge as learning Spanish.
Learning can be fun, when you are not forced into it.
Try it, you may like it!
Don Ford

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