
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Signs in sky 09.06.14

                I do believe in signs from above, always have and always will.
                I doubt if people in today’s world, could live without signs. Think about it, how would that fool in the car in front of you know how slow to drive, without a speed limit sign.  How could you find a public toilet without a “rest room” sign?
By the way that sign, “rest room” is somewhat misleading. Think about it, have you ever been able to rest, in a public toilet?
As I stated earlier, believe in signs from above, but I do not always know what they mean.
As an example I presented a posting, “X marks the spot 02.15.14” (you might want to go back and re-read it to bring yourself up to speed) about the fact that there was an “X” in the sky, directly over my head.
Now I wasn’t sure what the “X”, directly over my head meant, but I believe it meant that yours truly is, “A Treasure”. If X marks the spot on the treasure map, and the X was in the sky over my head, it is plane to see that “I am a Treasure!”
I knew you would not go back and look up the old posting so I brought the photo proof to you. That X was directly over my head, which makes me a Treasure, how could you see it any other way?
                OK, so the other day I was sitting on my rocking chair contemplating all the many complexities of today’s world when something caused me to look up to heaven. What did I see this time? No not another X but the clouds had formed a head of a bird. Another sign to me, but what does it mean?
                I naturally grabbed a camera and took a photo of the “Sign”. To me it is the head of a hawk. Why would a head of a hawk be revealed to me? What does it mean? 
                The next day during my morning constitutional, I had stopped down the street to talk with Larry. As we were talking a hawk flew over and I quickly pointed it out to Larry. Possibly two minutes later as we were solving the world’s problems, the hawk flew overhead again this time with a bird in his talons.
                What does it all mean?
I hope your signs are easy to understand.
Don Ford

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