
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Miniature or just little?

            My quandary is whether it is a miniature in which case we have something special or is it just little (young, not yet grown).

               I understand that you, the only reader of this article, are finding it difficult to believe I know the meaning of quandary. I know it is difficult for you to believe I have an IQ of 153 (not). All smart people do not necessarily talk like they are smart.
               I am starting to adjust to being pawpaw every day of the week. With Dave and Claire working Alex has allowed me to pay cars and trains with and he allows me to push him in the swing. Dave and Clair have brought the swing set from Dallas and it is waiting to be assembled in our back yard.
               Speaking of back yard that is where we see the “miniature or just little guy” a couple times daily. The word guy is used bit it may be a girl, I really do not know.
               I was sitting in my rocker yesterday contemplating world events while watching the water sprinklers spray dollars on the grass. It was 103 degrees in the shade. Did you know there is no need to say, “in the shade” when referring to the outside temp; the outside temp is always taken in the shade. 
I noticed an anomaly in one of our ferns that is planted near my chosen rocker location. It appeared to me that something had burrowed into the fern using it as a possible nest or sleeping quarters for the night. Although the photo below is not up to my usual high standards, it does show the burrow in the fern. You may also notice my constant companion and amigo Tejas in the upper right hand corner of the photo, he is standing guard.
               Back to the littler fellow. We have been seeing this small rabbit in and around our back yard.  He often goes under our shed to avoid Tejas. There are no photos of this little fellow but he is able to literally run at full speed through our chain link fence. He is probably not a miniature and is most likely just a young rabbit but he does not seem to be growing and we have only seen one. 
               A little known fact about rabbits is; the mother rabbit will pull hair from her belly to make a nest for her new born babies. When I think of that action, it must hurt but probably clears the way for the babies to find the milk outlets.
               We will attempt to get a photo of this little rabbit and post it.

From the miniature mind of                         Don Ford      Did that sound right to you?

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